While bicycling Ørland you will see several sites with enormous grave mounds and cairns. The sites are graves of long forgotten chieftains and highlighs sites of large settlements which in the past housed powerful men and women. Archeological findings show that Ørland was one of the most important departure points for viking raids. Excavations has found numerous traces of activity, longhouses and plundered artifacts from England, Ireland as well as Orkney, Shetland and Faroe islands.

If you prefer a longer bike trip, we recommend that you bike west through the village of Bjugn and then go north to Koet and Valsfjord -- one of Norway's largest collections of grave cairns from the older iron age. Chieftains and other powerful people were buried in this area. It is possible that the fjord was a holy landscape for the areas inhabitants about 2000 years ago. Along the fjord smaller cairns are found on every promontory. A hike along the landscape of the north coast of the fjord is a great experience for history buffs.