Ørland has a rich and exciting historical past. In this tour packet you will get to know Ørlands history from the 1000s to current.
Her kan dere starte med en spennende omvisning på Austrått Fort. A unique trippel-turret cannon from the battleship Gneusenau is installed 5 stories down into the mountain. Experienced guides take you on a riveting 1-hour tour of the impressive fort.
Deretter går turen til Uthaug hvor dere kan se Sjøgata før dere drar til Uthaugsgården.
Uthaug manor is an authentic, cultural history museum which displays continuous development through 200 years. The manor is the largest museum of its kind in Norway. An authentic museum means that all equipment and interior is presented in a way as though people still live there.
The main building at Uthaug manor has about 40 rooms with furniture, houshold items and clothing. There is also a three-storey barn with equipment and tools. Gallery "Stable" in the barn contains photographs, artwork and handicrafts. And, a reneaissance revival garden is beatifully restored in front of the main building.
The best waffles in the county is found at Uthaugsgården. It is a special treat to be able to enjoy these with a cup of coffee in the living rooms containing the original furniture.
Videre kan dere dra til Mølnargården i Bjugn. Bjugn bygdatun Mølnargården har utstillinger, samlinger og kafeteria. Museumsområdet innbyr til både historisk påfyll og rekreasjon.
Hovedhuset på Mølnargården er ei trønderlån i tømmer som er satt opp i 1848. Stua og gammelkjøkkenet er i 1900-talls stil. Ellers rundt tunet finner du blant annet Stabburet, Hyllnesstua, smia, bakeriet og Låven. Sjøhusene inneholder 39 båter av eldre type. Her kan du oppleve en innholdsrik omvisning med historiefortelling.
På Mølnargården kan du også få servert kaffe og vafler eller den tradisjonelle skeibladkaka.
Fort Austrått, guided tour 1 hour
Mølnargårdem, omvisning 1 time.
Uthaug manor, guided tour 1 hour
Coffee and waffles, 30 minutes
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