Ursfjellet (194.2 moh)

You must see the view from Ursfjellet! You can sit at the top and enjoy the sunset over the ocean while getting a panoramic view of Vallersund and the surrounding area.

The Folkvang Community House serves as both the hike's beginning point and a parking lot. The hike isn't too difficult and is only a short distance. 

After reaching the summit, you can take a trail down the backside if you want a longer climb. After descending, proceed along a trail that crosses a small bridge and then continues over an extended field between the mountains on the right side. Once you arrive to a tractor road, continue on that road until you reach Manndalsveien. After a brief stretch of travel along the road, you will come across a sign directing you to the Mogrdshuken shelter. Before returning to Folkvang, you can take a break at the lovely shelter (notice that open fires are not permitted here). The return trip follows a well-maintained path and follows the base of Ursfjellet. Enjoy the hike!