Uthaug manor and farm is today an authentic historical museum. It consists of the main manor building with garden, grain storage and food storehouse with dinner bell. The storehouse contains utility items and articles of clothing. The barn has three storeys and contains an exhibit of farm tools. The barn also contains peat storage, wood shed, scullery, pig house, stables, wagon shed, woodworking shop and garment loft. The main building at Uthaug farm consists of more than 40 rooms; all furnished. Some of the furniture stems from domestic and international trade. The museum showcases the workings and development of the farm throughout its 200-year lifespan. Outside the main building you will be able to enjoy a restored late renaissanse garden from 1918.
Opening hours here
Bjugn rural museum at Mølnargården (Mølnar farm) is an open air museum with over 20 buildings and boat houses. The second floor of the main house at Mønargården is filled with handicrafts and wood working crafts. The museum focuses on showing the life of the farmer-fisherman of the area. A considerable collection of historical boats are found in boathouses by the water's egde.
The barn contains a permanent exhibit, an auditorium as well as temporary exhibits.
Opening hours at the museum's home page
Yrjar Heimbygdslag is a local history museum with a focus on agriculture. A large collection of items are housed at Austrått farm east of Austrått manor. Aside from the agricultural items , the collection also has many other items of historical significance, local historical archives and a significant collection of photographs.
The museum has three properties: 1. Guriannastua (Guri Anna's cottage) was built by the municipality to house the homeless Mrs. Husby, her family and goat herd in the 1920s. 2. Tinden croft was built in the 1800s. 3. A boat house in the pittoresque street Sjøgata (fisherman's homes) in Uthaug village is also a permanent museum.
Opening hours for the three buildings here
Gallery Hans is located in Ørland kultursenter and contains temporary art exhibits.
The gallery, which is centrally located in Brekstad, is named after the local painter Hans Ryggen.
At times modern art is exhibited here. Travelling exhibits from renowed national museums are sometimes visiting the gallery and sometimes inhouse productions are on exhibit. Photography, painting, sculptures, video art, graphic art, textile art or drawings are some of the art forms you can find at Gallery Hans. The gallery has normally about 8-10 exhibits a year.
Ørland kultursenter offers guided tours and workshops. Please contact us for an offer.
Gallery Hans is open concurrent with Ørland Kultursenter. No admittance fee.
The Hannah Ryggen Center is located in Ørland Kultursenter in Brekstad. The center is run by the Nordenfjelske Kunstindustrimuseum. The museum is located about an hour with passenger ferry from Trondheim. The Hanna Ryggen collection is exhibited both in Trondheim and in Ørland.
The center also at times exhibits works by other textile artist and other art connected to Hannah Ryggen. For more information about exhibits click here
About Hannah Ryggen:
Hannah Ryggen (1894-1970), born in Malmø, Sweden, met the painter Hans Ryggen who was from Ørland during studies in Dresden in 1922. The married and moved to a smallholding farm near his homeplace. Hannah chose the loom to create her textile art and became nationally known in the 1930s. Her art was politically motivated and inspired debate about human dignity and other important themes. The Hannah Ryggen Center displays several of her rugs and visitors will learn about her art and her life.
The Hannah Ryggen Center is open concurrent with Ørland Kultursenter. Prebooked guided tours are available by contacting Ørland Kultursenter.
Gallery Empati (Empathy) is located in rural surroundings at Balsnesveien (Rd.) and is open year-round.
The gallery has been in operation since 1992 and has been curated by Toril Grøtan Oksvold since 1988.
Throughout the year many different types of exhibits are showcased; some by themes, some individual artist exhibits, some by collaborative exibits by many artists. Exhibits are also held during Ørland Bluesfestval in the fall.
Toril's own art studio is located next to the gallery and contains her own artwork as well as space for courses and workshops.
Visit the gallery's home page here