The Autumn/Fall migration

Allerede sent i juli kommer de først trekkfuglene fra nord og raster i Ørland. Videre utover sensommeren og høsten er det duket for store fugleopplevelser etter hvert som store mengder vadefugler fra Russland og andre steder, lander på Ørland for å «tanke» drivstoff i fjæreområdene og i tindvedkrattene. I tillegg til de forventede forbipasserende artene er det også en god sjanse for å se tilfeldig gjestende sjeldenheter som har kommet på avveie, noe som trekker fuglefolk fra fjern og nær.


Grande amphiteather: Bird observation point with an excellent view of the busiest area of the wetlands. This is a great place to observe wading birds and other migratory bird species. The peregrine falcon is a regular hunter in this area in the fall season. Services for human visitors include BBQ-site, amphiteather. Public toilets available in the summer season.
Marina: Not far north of Grande amphiteater there is a disused marina which is a muddy beach where it is fairly simple to get close to wading birds. Walk north along the dike from the amphiteater until you reach the bay.
Seaberry (sea buckthorns) thicket: Lots of visiting passerine birds hide in the thickets and you might also spot hunting raptors. It is somewhat hard to observe birds here as the thickets provide excellent hiding spots. At times you can visit and observe bird ringing in this area.
Hovsfjæra: Excellent beach areas that are nice to visit when the weather is too harsh on the western coast. The birds are also aware of this.
Nes: Bogs and wetlands dotted with thickets provides a safe and rich feeding area for migrating passerine birds. Many rare species have been spotted here.