Experience the wetlands areas of Ørland by bicycle. Ørland has important feeding areas for migrating birds. The wetlands of Grandefjæra has a 10 km (6 miles) long beach which is nesting grounds for the common eider, the red-breasted merganser, the common shelduck, , the common curlew, the northern lapwing, the common ringed plover, dunlin, ruff, black-headed gull, short-eared owl and twite.

Grandefjæra nature preserve has bird observation posts in Grande, Hoøya and Rønsholmen.

Be careful when hiking in the nature preserve -- particularly during nesting season. Keep your dog on a leash and be aware of rules and regulations when you visit the area.

The route

Start from Ørland Kultursenter. Take a left at the first intersection up Skolegata road. Take a left at the roundabout (you will see a very large barn on your left-hand side) and follow Fv 239 road. You will pass Hovde Gård hotel on your left-hand side. After a while you will get to an area called Flatneset and the road follows the beach for about 5 km (3 miles). You will have a spectacular view of the Trondheim fjord. At the crossroad at Fv 240 you will take a left towards Garten. You will see the Grandefjæra nature preserve west of the road. It is possible to get down to the beach in several ways, but it is important you pick one with a bridge crossing the canal. We recommend turning by Nordbakken about 1,65 km (1 mile) from the crossroad. Here you will see a wooden signpost saying "Grandefjæra Dyrkingslag kjentmannspost" where you will take a right. Almost immediately there will be a fork in the gravel road and you will follow road straight ahead (don't take a left here as it is a dead end). About 100 meters (yards) further you can pick amongst the two paths as both have a bridge. When you arrive at the 2,5 km long dam you will have a good view over the nature preserve from Uthaug in the north to Garten in the south. You will also see the island of Storfosna with Storfosenfjellet mountain to the west. Within the dam there is 2500 decares of farmland that used to be wetlands. The area outside the dike is a protected nature reserve. You can bike along the dike and there are information posts along the path.

At the nature preseve you get close to the bird- and animal life from the amphiteather and bird observation post. The paths next to the dike is great for for biking and hiking and you will find paved and gravel paths as well as more narrow footpaths in the preserve.

The route takes you west towards Brekstad. You will see Ørland air force base on your left-hand side for about 2 km (1,25 miles) before you scale a small hill past which you will see Ørland church on your left-hand side. Take a right at the round-about and continue down the mainstreet (Yrjars gt) of Brekstad until you have returned to your starting point by Ørland kultursenter. 

Practical information:

Child friendly

Many signposts available
